Friday, December 10, 2010

Social Media: Do you Schmooze or are you SPAM?

I often wonder how many people put a lot of thought and effort into their status posts on social media and if they consider the impact that it will have on their audience BEFORE they post something. Some people may say to themselves, "I don't have the time to do all that research." or "I need more business." Or perhaps, "Who CARES what they think?" or "I just want the ones that are interested in buying my products or services." As a social media marketing expert, I believe that it is a very effective business practice to do research on the subject matter before you post your status on any social media. To continually post small tidbits of information to your Facebook profile, your fan page, LinkedIn profile and Twitter account and never let people know who you are as a person makes it difficult for them to find a way to relate to you. Showing interest in others and adopting a caring attitude in relating to your online friends and business associates is a win-win strategy. Not only are you deepening personal relationships by being helpful, but this will also result in an increase in your business.

I believe that online networking is just as important as offline networking. It is very important to show interest in other people as human beings, not just potential clients. It is also a good practice to be careful that you are not connected to people who are multi-level marketers that are inclined to continuously bug your connections and that most of your connections are doing the same. I said, "most", because it is hard to get them all, but if the majority of your business associates or friends are the kind of people who show genuine interest in others and try to build meaningful relationships, then you are on the right track. For example, I have over 1, 700 friends on Facebook, about 600 connections on LinkedIn and just over 500 followers on Twitter. I could have more on all three accounts, but I choose to connect to people that are going to have my best interests and the interests of my friends or business associates at heart when they interact with my network.

Relationships are the key. By the way, have you noticed that LinkedIn is becoming more like Facebook? They have added the ability to post an outside link, attach a photo, and click "like" or "comment" on a post. If it wasn't working, they wouldn't do it! So use it! Take the time to comment on people's posts or click "like", then go into the discussions area in your groups and do the same thing. I think you will be surprised at how many new connections you get on LinkedIn just from displaying a little more interest in others. On Twitter, do you follow people back who follow you? Do you answer your direct messages? Twitter may seem like it is mostly a great little tool to post small pieces of information that lead people to where you want them to go, however, it is also important to pay attention to the following that you are building and respond to it personally. On Facebook, do you celebrate other people's joys and feel compassion for them in their sorrows? If not, then I think it is probably time to start. How about taking the time to suggest friends for people or ask your friends to be fans of someone’s fan page? Simply being there and not fully present will most likely keep you where you are at, but if you get involved and help others; it will make your business grow.

Does all of this sound like too much for you? Do you think these ideas are good, but you aren't sure how to implement them or are you too busy? Hey, I can understand that. That's where I come in. Give me a call! 407-738-8445

For more information please contact Becky Brooks at Professional Writing Services, Thank you.


  1. Thanks, Marina. I just reposted this to my Facebook profile! This is an oldie, but a goodie! I re-read again myself! :)

  2. Awesome blog Becky! Love this post and you! You're the best!!!
