Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is Shop Tab and How Can It Help You?

Shop Tab is an application that can be added to your Facebook fan page to help you to sell your products and services. It is very easy to use and it links right to your Pay Pal account. You can promote products that you normally sell on your web site or create a small online store on your fan page for only $10.00 a month.

You can add up to 500 photos and links to Pay Pal or your Google shopping cart and still only pay $10.00 a month. It is also great for when you are having an event and you want people to pay in advance. This works especially well if the event is a fundraiser or one with food that has been prepared for a certain number of attendees. You don't have to worry whether everyone who RSVPs will show up and pay or not, because they have already paid in advance with Shop Tab.

If you are someone who is a photographer who takes photos all the time at various events that people will want to purchase later in different sizes, Shop Tab is ideal. You can get as descriptive as you want for each item by listing the size and the condition of the item. In photography, it is good to let the buyer know whether the photo is the "original" or a "re-touched" version.

Shop Tab can be a little tricky to set up at first, especially when working with the images. You need to have a separate account like Flicker or Image Shack to store the photos and then link to Shop Tab. You also need to have your Facebook ID handy to add it to the Shop Tab page and link it to your fan page. Once it is set up it is very easy to use. There are lots of strategic ways to incorporate it into your marketing plan using all forms of social media. When you fully utilize this applilcation you can drive traffic from your social media to your web site and back again.

For more information on how to work with this fantastic new application, please contact me at 407-738-8445 or to schedule your Shop Tab Consultation today!

Thank you.

Becky Brooks

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